Good champs for doom bots
Good champs for doom bots

I'm using a 1:1 point buy, 84 points total (everything starting from 0, ofc, so that would be 36 1:1 point buy starting on the classical 8s), minimum 8, period, and maximum 18 before race/class modifiers (yeah, i'm a generous god. Will the party be in crippled without a dedicated arcane caster? And all the ''building'' you need is Natural Spell and Druid 20. Last player is exercising radio silence for some reason, so we haven't discussed characters yet, though i'm inclined to steer him towards Druid with the good ol' ''Do you wanna be a motherfockin Bear?'', so they will have some good utility and healing (i dont want to force heal bot on anyone that doesn't like it, i'd rather be generous with potions). levels for sneak atack à la Daring Outlaw.

good champs for doom bots good champs for doom bots

I dont mind brewing a feat to stack SwordS. So i thought about going Rogue X/ Swordsage Y, can you guys comment on that? He wants a rogueish character and will fill the skillmonkey role. But it didn't give that powerful feeling i got while building the Dwarf Bunker. I was inclined to go Rogue 3/ Swashbuckler 2. Also, nice spells (i figure wizard is the best caster for a arcane gish?) for combat and utiliy?īut i'm having some trouble coming up with a rogue build. Will it hinder RP too much (and maybe optimisation?)? I realised that it could be a good idea giving everyone (except the divine caster) a dip in ToB, so how does a Wizard/Warblade works? I'm thinking a more mobile PC, to ''play around'' along the possible rogue/swordsage. He's a meleer at heart, gish was my suggestion (to give more utility) and it tickled his fancy. One other player wishes to play a gish, and is still deciding the ''frame'' for it, but i'd appreciate suggestions on an easy to play gish build that packs some good utility.

good champs for doom bots good champs for doom bots

But i don't really mind generous HP, it means i can be liberal with fireballs and lightning bolts. He will go Deepwarden for 6 and 7 and then more Crusader, if i'm not mistaken. For now, we only have one PC finished, a Fireblood dwarf Crusade 2/Dwarven Paragon 3 that turned out ridiculously tanky (ended up rolling 73HP, +11 Fort save, lv5). So, i want to spice up the enemies, therefore, i'm doing some fair optimization for my players. It will my first time DMing (i've played a few times, and do understand the system well enough) and i've chosen RHOD to introduce a few friends to the glory of 3.5. Lillia Dr.Hello there, first time posting here, though i've lurked for some time. Morgana Wukong Xin Zhao Jax Kai'Sa Karthus Samira Shen Fiora ZedĪnnie Diana Garen Master Yi Nocturne Senna Teemo Jayce Swain Vladimir Xayah Ziggs Aphelios Qiyana Rumble

Good champs for doom bots