max_shells (0-999): to set max shells (recommended = 999).fastsprites (0-2): Sets smoke sprites (recommended = 0).thirdperson: changes to 3rd person perspectiv.firstperson: changes to 1st person perspective.sv_clienttrace 999999999: Aimbot or auto aim.skin-(skinname): to change to the skin (skinname).give weapon_(weaponname): To get the weapon (weaponname).

impulse 101: access to 100% weapons and also ammo.Just hit the “~” (tilde) key while playing to open or enable the console, then type sv_cheats 1, and finally use any of the cheats & console commands we are going to provide youīut if you need to reset the cheats or console commands: Windows Explorer > C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommondayofinfamydoicfg > delete config.cfg Day of Infamy Console Commands – Full List Cheats Day of Infamy Console Commands – Enable Console