That being said, Huntsman has some pretty good abilities even if you aren’t peppering your enemies with arrows. I like my heroes to be firing magic or swinging melee weapons. While Huntsman is a powerful school, I am not particularly fond of archer based classes. Huntsman I am going to be completely honest here. The ability to create oil pools and poison clouds which can then be set on fire or detonated in a deadly explosion, is one of the most visually pleasing and effective ways to dispatch your foes. That being said, Geomancer is extremely powerful in combination with the Pyromancer school. In this school you are going to find a considerable amount of oil and poison based abilities, armor fortification powers, and (to be honest) some of the worst Source skills in any school. Geomancer Geomancer, again unsurprisingly, focuses on ground or earth magic.

Aerotheurge works extremely well in concert with Hydrosophist, as enemies who have had their magical armor stripped away and are standing in water, or have been given the status effect “wet” are susceptible to being stunned by the deadly bolts of electricity you will be hammering them with.

As you advance through the twenty-four spells and abilities in this school, you will find yourself throwing a lot of lightning bolts, manipulating your movement speed, and blinding your enemies. Aerotheurge The Aerotheurge school focuses, unsurprisingly, on air magic. Some abilities are individually stronger than others, some work best when combined with other schools, and some require excellent foresight and tactical awareness. Divinity Original Sin 2 Abilities Divinity: Original Sin 2 hosts ten unique ability schools from which to draw forth powerful attacks and devastating magic.